Abstract: The Yulongxi travertin Landscape in west Gongga Mountains, Kangding, is another subnival belt karst landscape maybe having World Heritage potential besides Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong found.
中文摘要: 处康定县贡嘎山西侧的玉农希钙华继九寨沟、黄龙钙华发现之后又具有世界遗产潜质的高寒岩溶风。
Abstract: The Yulongxi travertin Landscape in west Gongga Mountains, Kangding, is another subnival belt karst landscape maybe having World Heritage potential besides Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong found.
中文摘要: 处康定县贡嘎山西侧的玉农希钙华继九寨沟、黄龙钙华发现之后又具有世界遗产潜质的高寒岩溶风。