2.The typhoon sank a ferry, drowning over 200 people.
那场台风使一条渡船沉没, 淹死200多人。
3.There was a threat of typhoon.
4.The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees.
5.The typhoon uprooted numerous trees.
6.That typhoon was a tearer.
7.When the typhoon struck, we were afraid our ship might not be able to weather the storm.
当台风袭来的时候, 我生怕我的船经受不住狂风暴雨。
8.But the loathful typhoon Senlake, chooses in Mid-Autumn Festival small long vacation period assumes an awe-inspiring pose.
9.Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis, herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described.
10.Typhoon and cold air joint influences, along sea breeze big raininess, and typhoon influence period just when National Day the vacation, the Department concerned pays attention to the guard.
11.Vogue amounts to a person can be some had not seen T typhoon cloud, star go beautiful to shed the koradji that shows state power to Xin Jichao early.
12.The Yakou beach on the right side of the typhoon track was rather stable, with only a slight silting in the belt of middle tide besides erodedm manmade dunes in the landward backshore.