Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris.
Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris.
However, cases with porencephaly, global atrophy or delayed myelination of unilateral temporal lobe on MRI were more related to HIE.
Methods To treat 29 nonunion ulnoradial fractures using unilateral externalfixation combined with bone graft,ulna 11 cases and radial 18 cases.
Objective:To check the safety and efficacy of the disinsertion of inferior oblique muscle for the treatment of long standing unilateral superior oblique paresis.
Methods The unilateral vocal cord, laryngeal ventricle, partial anteroinferior portion of ventricular band and the homolateral inner perichondrium of the thyroid cartilage were excised.
These tumors, to date, have occurred over a wide age range in postpubertal females, are characteristically unilateral, and confined to the ovary at presentation.
In addition, atrophy of the thalamencephalon which presents close connection with the motor-sensory cortex of the brain may occur secondary to the unilateral cerebral cortical infarction.
An experienced, astute clinician can often diagnose ICSC based solely upon the history and chief complaint-a young, anxious patient who presents with unilateral metamorphopsia of recent onset.
Still, it is no bad thing if Mr Cameron's unilateral action - his "scrutiny committee" - starts a competition to be the most vigorous purger of wayward MPs.