2.They believed these principles to be universally true.
3.It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.
4.The new teacher was universally disliked.
5.All these actions by the NATO conflicted with the universally accepted international laws.
6.It is universally accepted that one's thinking directs one's actions.
7.The restoration of the frescoes is being widely but not universally acclaimed by art historians.
8.During the process of information systems automation in domestic power plants, the problem of island information robotization systems exist universally.
9.Already the component standardizes and is seriated since being applied or used universally may deploy according to needing nimbly can shorten designing and making a period.
10.The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
11.It's a universally accepted fact that if a cornerman enters the ring or even mounts the ring apron during a bout, it shall be cause for immediate disqualification.
12.In the western world the plebeian or popular element in each state successfully assailed the oligarchical monopoly;and a code was nearly universally obtained early in the history of the Commonwealth.