Pro-,meso-and metapleuron of ventral surface and posterior margin of sides of abdominal segments with yellow pubescent maculae.
Pro-,meso-and metapleuron of ventral surface and posterior margin of sides of abdominal segments with yellow pubescent maculae.
Most fishes have unstriated rays along the anterior part of the dorsal and ventral edges (leading edges) of the caudal fin.
The central nervous systeM consisted of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord, and the differentiations aMong protocerebruM, deutocerebruM and tritocerebruM were obvious.
Seeds elliptic, base sharp, apex retuse, back chalazal knot zonate, with transverse and obtuse ribs, ventral holes furrowed from upper middle to apex.
In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts.
It receives dopaminergic innervations from ventral tegment area and SNc, and noradrenergic and serotonergic innervations from the locus ceruleus (LC) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), respectively.
腹内侧前额叶皮层主要接受来自腹侧被盖区(ventral tegmental area,VTA)和SNcDA能神经纤维投射,以及来自蓝斑去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline,NA)能和中缝背核5-HT能神经纤维投射。