3.He cheated her into believing him a wealthy man.
4.The student wants to find a wealthy patron in America.
5.That young man was the son of a wealthy planter.
6.Although she was wealthy, she lived in an unpretentious house.
7.Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle.
8.She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
9.By a cruel irony of fate, the wealthy man died heirless.
10.He used to be quite wealthy, but his children have bled him dry.
11.At least a dozen people attend on the bride of the wealthy prince.
12.My brother is now very wealthy.
13.This is a wealthy family.
14.Though these children and families were poor monetarily they were, however, very wealthy in their spirits.
15.The Duke and Duchess were so wealthy that they seemed to have money coming out of their ears.
公爵和公爵夫人非常裕, 他们似乎有用不完的钱。
16.Its stores in London's wealthiest parts, meanwhile, are stocked with ripe organic avocados, dainty packs of mange tout and steaks in fancy sauces.
17.From the time of Augustus, these dwellings of wealthy Ephesians, were decorated with beautiful frescoes and mosaics. The houses had luxurious bedrooms, bathrooms, triclinium, and kitchens.
18.Rich dad stood and shut the creaky old wooden window that needed repair. If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy and happy young man.
19.The report says Africas disrate Africa's death rate is ten tangs hair 10 times higher than any wells year in wealthier countries in Europe and western the Western Pacific.
20.Leo Tolstoy, who in his fifties gave up much of his wealth and devoted himself to a life of pacificism and asceticism, had as one of his disciples a certain wealthy aristocrat named Chertkov.