1.You've opened yourffiliate account,hosen oducts to sell, an established relationships with vendors.Now you need to watch your mons ey.
1.Network 已注册代销商账户、选择代销的产品行商建立代销关系,现在就需要查看的账户金额。
2.The Imperial fleet officer commanding the Mon Calamari operation presented Ackbar as a slave and gift to Grand Moff Tarkin.
1.Hey, Mon? Mon, look who I ran into!
2.Mon, Mon, you've gone ultrasonic again, all right?
3.Kinda stepped on my point there, Mon.
4.C' mon. Are you kidding me? Know it!
5.Mon and I got in another fight, Boris.
6.I'm sorry. - Mon, I'm so sorry.
我很抱歉 -摩,我很抱歉。
7.The rings are Mon Cher Moi.
戒指是 Mon Cher Moi 的。
8.This is Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and you know Mon.
这是钱德、乔伊、菲比 还有你认识的摩。
9.Hmm. Kind of stepped on my point there, Mon.
你拆了我的台啊 摩。
10.Er, Mon-El is doing great, by the way.
顺带一提 蒙·艾尔的状态很好。
11.Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?
12.Hey, how's everything going with Mon...
对了 你蒙 我是说迈克。
13.Mais non, mon cher monsieur, men are always the same.
14.Okay, actually, Mon, Matthew was giving me his phone number.
事实上,摩 马修只是给我他的电话。
15.Oh, man, I gotta go make more. -Hey, Mon.
天啊,我得多做一点 -嘿,摩。
16.Mon, you're gonna leave your shoes out here?
莫 你要把你的鞋子留在这里吗?
17.Mon-El and Lena are still up there. - I know.
蒙·艾尔莉娜还在上面 -我知道。
18.Mon, if you do get married, can I bring two guests?
要是你真的结婚 我可以带两个人去吗?
19.But, Mon, that was totally different. He was your health teacher.
这是两回事 他是你的健康教育老师。
20.The food smells great, Mon. -And the place looks so nice.
菜闻起来好香 这里布置得真漂亮。