3.The astronaut was welcomed with joyous,resounding acclaim.
4.The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.
5.The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface.
6.They acclaimed the astronauts.
7.News of the astronauts' safe return to earth was delayed.
8.An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
9.Spacewalking astronauts installed an 88-million-dollar spectrograph designed to detect faint light from faraway quasar .
10.The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.
11.Two spacewalking astronauts have been able to install a new camera in the Hubble Space Telescope.
12.A micrometeorite impact, a snag, a wayward tool or even a misstep can spell doom for an astronaut.
13.Afterward, he faces the orbital compartment solid lubrication material testing sample installment place to move slowly, the recaption sample, gives astronaut Liu Boming.
14.While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
当其中一名在指挥舱中环绕月球飞行时, 另一名在登月舱中降落月球表。
15.The genesis rock was collected by Apollo 15 astronauts near Hadley Rille at the border between a lowland “sea,” or mare, and the lunar highlands.
16.The same year that Bush tasked Nasa with the 21st century moonshot, Yang Lee Wei became China's first astronaut and, explicit or not, another space race had begun.