1.She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen.
2.Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.
3.So, it is important to choose to the paragraph shows clip high gradely or comparative.
4.Goosefoot: 2009 capital expenditure will with comparative basically 2008.
5.Methods To make a comparative study of the effects of colonic neostomy on umbilicus with conventional colostomy method.
方法 切除脐孔后将结肠末端于腹壁缺损处行结肠造口并与传统造口术作。
6.The paper analyses the Heilongjiang's comparative prepotency, and propose the suggestion to government and enterprise on organic food exploit.
7.Later, the German morphologist Ernst Haeckel would convince Huxley that comparative anatomy and palaeontology could be used to reconstruct evolutionary genealogies.
8.One variation stems from the categorical status of the adjectives of which gradability is the essential feature for a comparative predicate.
9.It is an important work about the nineteenth century’s Hesperian depictive linguistics and comparative linguistics combining with the research of Beijing Mandarin.
10.Through a sample of linguistic case studies focusing on Haitian Creole morphosyntax, we will explore Creolization from a cognitive, historical and comparative perspective.
11.The structure and working principle of the devices for melting point measurement by means of thin film comparative method of cryoscopy were introduced.
12.The comparative researches on the lab and industrial tests have been carried through for the biocide and algicide characteristics of the new oxidizing algicide, SS111HQ.
13.Based on the same philosophical thought, comparative poetics and philosophical hermeneutics alike are a retrospect and transcension of scientism and positivism prevailing over the 19th century.
14.Chapter four is the research on diversity architectures of agriculture technique extension mode, analyzing the necessity that diversified mode constuct. several magistral modes is comparative studied.
15.A comparative study was carried out on the effects of active soybean flour, monoglyceride and lipoxidase on the rheology characteristics of wheat flour and the quality of steamed bread.
16.This article makes comparative analysis of the sectorization for the sprinkler system used in high-rise building and approaches to the details for pressure reduction and choice of fire-fighting pumps.
17.A comparative study on surface structure and osmotic fragility and microviscosity of erythrocyte membrane of aged rat and blood stagnancy model rat has been made and reportcd in this paper.