1.Preconditioned con- jugate gradient algorithm is a fast and accurate computational algorithm.
2.Compared with the conventional NBI rejector,it is superior in performance,NBI localization speed and computational complexity.
3.In this thesis, a novel computational modeling approach to design constructible shapes is introduced.
4.The security of encryption algorithms depends heavily on the computational infeasibility of brute force attack.
5.The gust-cascade interaction noise was numerically simulated using computational aeroacoustics by solving the two-dimensional linearized Euler equations.
6.We developed a general computational strategy for creating these protein structures that incorporates full backbone flexibility into rotamer-based sequence optimization.
7.The confident estimation to the headframe and bed plate of drilling rig is done by this method,the computational solution is identic...
8.A mathematical model of tide zoning correction is proposed.Based on the computational model, a new tidal correction mode using single suppositive grid tide station is designed.
9.The predetection algorithm processes the entire image, in a low computational cost manner, to extract the potential targets based on the saliency of visual feature in each segmented region of image.