1.He computed that the project would take seven years to complete.
2.Cosecant Beam Generation Program for computing Phase distribution function and Radiation pattern.
3.The losses are computed at $1000.
4.This article is devoted to the computed supervisory system for fire detection and ex-tinction.
5.When the Lanes joint a Plane curve,such as a clothoid or an arc with small radius,itll need repeatedly compute and adjust.
6.The rationality of structure, speed of computing, veracity of results and universalness had been proven by applied the program to computing several salient pole machines.
7.Generalized UWB-ATR receiver is proposed, in which the local template waveform is computed as the average of the channel responses to nonfinite M transmitted reference pulses.
8.The amount of tax leviable on the salary income of a taxpayer or his(her) spouse may be computed separately and then declared and paid consolidatedly by the taxpayer.
9.Dealing with suppliers directly, the importers are able to compute the cost of purchase more pellucidly, sharpen their own competitive edge and enlarge their proportion of the market share.