1.How does cerebral hemorrhage arouse gatism handling?
2.The delicate handicraft works will not bear rough handling.
3.I pay tribute to the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill.
4.He has the authority for handling this matter.
5.There is a nominal charge for postage and handling.
6.You must be more diplomatic in handling the situation.
你在处理这一情况时, 必须圆滑。
7.A computer is a device for handling of processing information.
8.We’ve got you bang to rights handling stolen property.
9.The prime minister’s credibility suffered in his handling of the crisis.
10.The government will have to tread very carefully in handling this issue.
11."Petrol is highly combustible, so smoking is strictly forbidden during the handling of it."
12.Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases.
13.We are impressed by his capacity for handling an immense amount of work without appearing to extend himself.
14.The tallymen's stand-by was not due to the unskilled handling of the winchman but to the breakdown of the winch.
15.Double-frequency cipher can solve the problem of multimachine mutual interference fairly good by handling the remote control and autocorrection of welding current.
16.As both insulator and energy storage media, de-ionized water combines the advantages of high relative permittivity(is about 80), self repairability, low cost and ease of handling.
17.As part of handling the interrupt, the system saves the current register images, which can be restored the next time the system decides to redispatch the same thread.
18.An infectious disease of the skin that is contracted by handling fish or meat infected with the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and characterized by red lesions on the hands.
19.Screw ash remover is main auxiliary equipment in ash handling system of coal combustion boiler in power plant.It can discharge coal ash into the ashpit continuously and evenly.
20.Problems are especially common among those who do heavy or frequent manual handling and lifting tasks, whether in manufacturing, construction, meatpacking or nursing care.