He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.
他讲那么一种方言土语, 我本不懂他说什么。
He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.
他讲那么一种方言土语, 我本不懂他说什么。
The guide, Pimp Your Vocab, aims to demystify the jargon used by teenagers and young people.
The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.
候诊室里唯一是一份全是术语科学期刊, 我看不懂。
Nietzsche speaks often of resentment but uses the French for ressentiment, in an effort to turn it into a term of art - that is, a technical term, a piece of jargon.