1.The inner product in interpolation interpretation is a residual and therefore can be precomputed successively.
2.The dolostone includes sparry dolostone, residual-grained dolostone, residual limy dolostone and algae dolostone.
3.To develop headspace gas chromatography for the determination of residual solvent in Amodiaquine Hydrochloride.
4.AbstractA mothed of the nondestructive examination for the autofrettage residual stresses is introduced, in this paper.
5.It is evident that the absence of post void residual urne does not rule out BOO.
6.The diphenyl-thiocarbazone extraction and spectrophotometry were developed for indirect determination of residual chlorine in water distribution system.
7.Severe“ whiptail” condition in field specimen from and acid soil . Bare midribs or very narrow residual lamina.
8.Preoxygenation replaces the primarily nitrogenous mixture of ambient air, which constitutes the patient's functional residual capacity, with oxygen.
9.Objective:Through our clinical observation,we want to find out a good effective method on deciduas residual of medical abortion.
10.The two simple methods can be employed to check the performance of depurant uesed in the analysis of residual pesticide.
11.By fuming with sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixture the residual hydrofluoride was then expelled,and boron was finally determined by curcumin spectrophotometry after distillation.
12.Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.
13.Objective To manage clinical study of transplantation of thoracic cavity of peduneulated greater omentum to cure major residual cavity chronic pyopneumothorax.
14.The types of deposits basically are differential metasomatism in the later magma, pneumatolytic hydrothermal process, pegmatite process, residual deposits and placer deposits.
15.As the time went on, the residual weight of isoprocarb in soil decreased, which was in keeping with the first-order kinetics equation.
16.A multi-period spatial residual Cokriging model combining Stochastic Hydrology with Geomathematics,was used to analysis hydrology data with spatial and temporal random function.
17.Bleaching earth filtration —Complete removal of the bleaching media from the bleached oil is very important since residual earths can act as a prooxidant.
18.Investigation was made of effect of preplastic deformation for unexplosive and explosive treatments on strength, surface residual stress and hydrogen embrittlement of the specimens.
19.Results A two-year follow-up revealed there occurred butment caries,luxated butment,and overlain residual root gingivitis,even on the rise,while the alveolar ridge showed no uneven absorption.
20.A theory of aeroelastic stability of hingeless rotor blade in hover by using the Galerkin weighted residual finite element method is developed in this paper.