1.Goldplated terminals reduce contact resistance and serve as anti-corrosion.
2.Banana plug-compatible speaker terminals grace the amplifier outputs, facilitating the use of audiophile-quality speaker cables.
3.And audiophile-grade crossovers are connected to the shrouded bi-wirable terminals to ensure the cleanest possible signal transmission.
4.The terminal was constructed of reinforced concrete.
5.He is in the terminal stage of cancer.
6.Two series of tolan-type liquid crystals containing terminal cyano group were synthesized.
7.To investigate the chronic terminal ileitis ileocecal valve systolic and diastolic function and its significance.
8.TIDA neurons were unaffected while NSDA neurons suffered loss of cell bodies and axon terminal DA.
9.Research and design for self-aligning device with terminal small gear driving for calcinatory of certain factory correlative task.
10.Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty.
11.Skywave distributes the terminal through Solution Providers who activate the terminal on the Skywave Network and provide application programs that communicate with the terminal.
12.Biocytin stainings indicated that the recorded neurons located in MVN and the axons’ terminals went into the area of the medial E group neurons.
13.There is quadruplet to input terminal on 5790A, two groups of N connector mixes two groups but column of wiring of 5 means connective.
14.These results indicate that GABABR-LI terminals in the spinal dorsal horn originate from peripheral afferent fibers, supraspinal structures and interneurons within the spinal dorsal horn.
15.Three open crown ethers were synthesized for the first time by using parathesin as the terminal group.They were characterized by IR, 1HNMR ,MS and EA.
16.A function terminal requiring an input is unwired. You cannot leave unwired functions on the diagram while you run a VI to try out different algorithms.