3."I always feel he has a grudge against me, although I don't know why."
4.I do not grudge him his success.
5.He grudged the food his horse ate.
6.She owes me a grudge.
7.I don't grudge him his moment of triumph.
8.I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.
9.He bears grudges against me, because I broke the egg in his pocket.
他对怀恨在心, 因为坏了他计划。
10.He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the office.
11.Don't hold grudges against people who have hurt you; you should forgive and forget.
要怨恨那些伤害过你人, 你应该念旧恶。
12.The Gunners striker lit the blue touchpaper ahead of Sunday's grudge match by claiming Arsene Wenger's expertise is more important than Roman Abramovich's cash.