1.He happened to oversee the burglar leaving the premises.
2.Smoking is strictly forbidden on school premises.
3.We can deduce a conclusion from the premise.
4.I will premise generally that I hate lecturing.
5.Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.
6."If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible."
7.See him off the premises and sure he never returns!
把他从这房屋赶走, 决不让他再回来!
8.All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.
全部修缮都在家里进行, 不用送到外面去做。
9.According to the rules, no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.
10.The premise of designing and creatin g Chongqing's tourism image is to rec ognize its advantages and keystone o f devel-opment.
11.The Licencee is also entitled, at his own or designated premises - to produce and sell finished plants of the variety(-ies) for final consumption.
12.These are the major and minor premises on which the conclusion is based.
13.On the premise of achieving the intention of the safe testing, people now are searching for new means with celerity, high efficiency and succinctness.
14.On-carriage – Transport from the port of arrival in the country of destination to the buyer's premises. Usually by truck, rail or inearth runing runing waterways.
15.MR PUMBLECHOOK'S premises in the High-street of the market town, were of a peppercorny and farinaceous character, as the premises of a corn-chandler and seedsman should be.
16.If The Premise is not tenantable during the period of repair or remedy, the rent fees for the period shall be deducted, or the tenancy period shall be extended accordingly.
17.The Production Agreement, entitles the Licencee at his own or designated premises, to grow and sell the variety (-ies) in question for final consumption.
18.Not normally home cooked but bought at a fish and chip shop ("chippie" in north of England) to eat on premises or as a "take away" or as US would say "to go".